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The Worship Encounter

Our worship is the natural outgrowth of God being the central focus in our lives.  The pattern established in the Word of God includes formal as well as spontaneous praise and worship.  We believe that God's people represents the church and that the building is actually where the "church" meets.
Who can worship?
We find that all men worship something and become like the thing they worship.  True worship can only be established by those who have acknowledged Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives.  According to the Bible, all other worship is idolatry.
Why do we worship?
God has commanded us to worship Him (Matthew 4:10).  He is worthy of our worship and it is through worship of Him that we reach our highest potential as created beings.
Why do we sing?
Tfhrough music we are able to come before His presence with singing, enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise (Psalm 100:2-4).  Music is ministry.  It is not simply to provide variety in our worship services.
Why do we stand to sing?
It is appropriate to stand before the royalty and majesty of our King Jesus (Psalm 134:1).
What is "Singing in the Spirit"?
Spiritual songs, spontaneously expressed from the heart through the Holy Spirit, and when used together in corporate worship, produce a heavenly harmony.
How are hands used in worship?
Openness, love and surrender are expressed by lifting our hands in praise to God (Psalm 134:2).  Joy and gratitude are expressed by clapping the hands with or without music (Psalm 47:1).
What place does "Speaking in Tongues" have in the worship of God?
Speaking in tongues is a language given to the believer when they receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.  This is used in personal prayer life for the buidling up of believers as they communicate with God (1 Corinthians 14:2,4,19,28).  Tongues is one of the nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:2-10.  When used in public meetings, it is called speaking in other tongues and will be followed by interpretation so that all may understand and be built up.
Is dancing appropriate when praising God?
Yes.  Dancing should be done reverently unto the Lord (Psalm 149:3; Luke 15:25).
What is the role of prophecy in worship?
Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in a known language.  It is the spoken Word of God for a given situation, as inspired by the Spirit, spoken by one individual to another or to the Body as a whole.  The purpose is to exhort, edify and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3).  It may also be used to warn. 
Why do we receive tithes and offerings?
This is the method through which God's Kingdom here on earth is financed.  Giving to the work of God produces rewards both in this life and in heaven (Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38).
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